Hi, I am Michael.
For years and years I have made special memory albums for my love as a wonderful Christmas Present that would bind our years journey and keep the photo memories in one place. Physical Books that easily remind us of just how lucky we are and what incredible lives we have.
I must bring up that last year the world was different - the global pandemic was full blast and 2020 was a challenge to say the least. We are still in the pandemic and some of those challenges still remain, however day after day we still are full of joy and gratitude for the friends we have, the family we have and the Fiore Tribe that fills every gap of our lives.
This year 2021 I decided to do it a little different. I thought about how sharable those books actually are, how printing things is not great for our trees and how nice it would be to SHARE the memories we have had as personal as they are - I am sure our tribe would enjoy some of the photo memories we take and capture.... and boy do we like taking pictures.
So all that said - here's to you my love, 2021 - a snapshot of our journey together, the LOVE we share and the moments we capture. Year after year we find new ways to love each other, through every challenge the world brings we still find a way to laugh, to smile, to cry, to believe. We are one and still deeply in LOVE.
Yea this is not a printed book, but it is the memory, and where ever you are - when ever you need it, you can pull up this website and see our 2021 and just how lucky we truly are.
I love you honey - always have and always will. Your Man, Michael
